Jennifer Rickard in the SD VoyagerRecently, I had the honor to be featured in the online magazine, SD Voyager, which highlights local entrepreneurs and businesses throughout San Diego.  It was a pleasure to share my journey toward becoming a marriage and family therapist and my passion for the field.  Fostering health and wellness for individuals, families and our community is the foundation for my work.  My favorite quote is by Pema Chödrön:  “True compassion does not come from wanting to help out those less fortunate than ourselves, but from realizing our kinship with all beings.”  Together, we create compassionate communities that support well-being for all.

Click the link below to check out the article online.  I hope you enjoy reading more about my professional journey and approach.  Namaste.

Interested in learning more about my practice?  Contact me today for your free 15-minute phone consultation.
