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Celebrate Your Self!

I Support You!

Gender Affirming Therapy

Empowering you to live authentically as your true self!

I provide individual, couple and family therapy for Trans and Nonbinary youth and adults. As a gender affirming therapist, I have specialized training and experience in working with individuals who identify as transgender, gender fluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, agender, bigender and more. It is my passion to provide you with a safe and affirming space to explore, encourage and inspire you to be YOU!


Let's Find Out If I Am A Good Fit

If you or your child are questioning, exploring or affirmed in your gender identity, I would be honored to assist you in any way I can.

 What can I expect from gender affirming therapy?

A therapist can help you:

  • Explore your gender journey and address any questions you may have
  • Access resources and support groups
  • Assist you in your social, emotional, familial, occupational, academic, legal and medical affirmation process
  • Learn tools in how to manage depression, anxiety or dysphoria symptoms
  • Manage social anxiety and issues with friends, classmates or colleagues
  • Increase self-esteem and body image
  • Decide to whom and when to share your identity with others
  • Address family relationship conflicts or rejection of your authentic self
  • Educate family members and partners
  • Unpack how transphobia impacts you and others and explore your intersectional identities
  • Process and shift internalized transphobia
  • Know your rights in school, job and in your community



  • Increase understanding of your child’s experience
  • Address fears and concerns
  • Acquire information for steps toward the social, legal and medical affirmation process
  • Learn ways to support your child and keep them safe
  • Navigate school issues and dealing with potential bullying
  • Connect to other parents and resources



  • Maintain support and connection 
  • Find new ways of expressing intimacy together
  • Navigate the intersectionality of race, culture, ability, gender, gender expression, sexuality and relationship diversity

 When do I know if I need to see a therapist?
If you are questioning, exploring or affirmed in your gender and want a specialist to help guide you toward resources and your true expression of yourself, a gender affirming therapist can assist you. Parents may also seek guidance from a therapist in order to better understand their child, connect with other parents and address their concerns and questions.

Common parent questions and concerns:
1. What does it mean to be transgender, gender expansive, non-binary, gender fluid or any other identity that my child shares with me?
2. Are my child’s friends and social media influencing my child’s identity?
3. When are the steps and the best time to begin social, legal and/or medical affirmation process?
4. How do I find a doctor that understands and works with transgender and nonbinary youth?
5. What are the effects of hormones and are they safe for my child?
6. Where can my family get support?
7. How do I tell friends and family members?
8. How do I advocate for my child at school?
9. How do I protect my child from potential bullying at school and online?
10. What if I do not understand or my religious beliefs do not align with my child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.
11. How can I reconcile my faith and my child’s identity?
12. I support my child, but my partner or my child’s other parent does not.
13. Can you change or influence my child’s gender identity or sexual orientation?
14. How do I legally change my child’s name and gender markers?
15. My child is depressed, anxious and/or dysphoric. How do I help them?
16. Why does my child focus on their gender so much? Why is it such a big deal?